Nº 64 - Miss life ♥ . OR . TOKO BAG Amazing New design from . Or . , Toko bag, available in 7 colors here. Comes with 2 options : hand bag
Archive for
fevereiro 2018
Nº 63 - Love Is In The Air ♥
Nº 63 - Love Is In The Air ♥ Wearing: Zuri Rayna~Dangle Hearts Set - Warm Gold/Aqua Emerald - This is how it will work: you buy one of these (transferable), and you choose
Nº 62 - Devil Side
Nº 62 - Devil Side . Or . The Migmey Hair Migmey Hair is original creation of. Or. Or was inspired by the cyberpunk style found in high fashion with this stratospheric style.
Nº 61 - Kira & Valentina
Nº 61 - Kira & Valentina FABIA & FETISH FAIR 2018 New releases special for this event is <Kira> Date: February 02 to February 16, 2018 Taxi to FETISH FAIR With HairStyle
Nº 60 - Thunder
Nº 60 - Thunder The Atan Necklace is an original mesh creation by . Or . It is copy/no transfer and modifiable via the enclosed HUD. There are 10 different variations of velvet
Nº 59 - My Funny Valentine
Nº 59 - My Funny Valentine Explosion Carmin Roses by VIRTUAL DIVA Virtual Diva Couture Exclusive for Swank Events until Feb 14 TAXI FOR SWANK EVENT ..S9..: Ribbed Fur - Cherry (Gacha) Tableau
Nº 58 - Love & Pieces
Nº 58 - Love & Pieces Jewellery: Zuri Rayna - Dahlia Set - Wine Sparkle/Diamond/Sterling (New Release) HAIR: Cora Hair by JUMO -Pixicat- Soiree.Gown - Light (Maitreya) RARE Pieces Unreserved, unrestrainedYour love is
Nº 58 - Naira & Gabriela
FABIA & Blush - New releases special for this event is <Naira> Date: Each round start the 28th of the month till 18th next month. Taxi Here With HairStyle HUD: :::KC::: Gabriela Dress