Nº 97 - Dear Doroty

Nº 97 - Dear Doroty

:::KC::: Dorocy Outfit 
• OUTFIT INCLUDED: Top // Jeans // Sandals // Hand Bag & SunGlasses 
• Maitreya// Freya Isis Venus // Physique & Hourglass Inworld and Marketplace 


Shabby Spring Bust - 3 colors included by irrISIStible creations -  Available: Swank
Shabby Spring Lampshade - 3 colors included by irrISIStible creations -  Available: Swank
Shabby Spring Tables - 3 colors included by irrISIStible creations -  Available: Swank

  • {anc} miniature/H. swan {cream}  
  • RO - Spook Show - Freida Freak Mannequin
  • RO - Spook Show - Val Vain Mannequin
  • RO - Spook Show - Gail Veil Mannequin
  • JIAN Holiday Huskies :: Wander Pup (White)
  • HPMD* Sweet Garden Grass
  • Flowers by Little Branch

FABIA & Gacha Garden
-FABIA- Gacha <Donna/Dorothy/Doris/Danna>
For Gacha Garden Date May 1-31

TP to Here

Each set includes HUD Hair color change
Set Rare includes HUD Hair color change 
FAT PACK  HUD change the color of the hat (9 colors)

Pogo | Mellow Brick Road (Wizard of Oz Remix)

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